Infrastructure, Building and Workshop

S.No. Ownership Document/Lease agreement for rented building In square meters Link to scanned document/ image
1 Fitter Workshop Area 183.06 -
2 Electrical Workshop Area 196.02 -
3 Surveyor Workshop Area 106.83 -
4 Class Room 8 X 25.02 -
5 Drawing Hall 2 X 31.20 -
6 Principal Room 25.02 -
7 Instructor's Room 31.50 -
7 Workshop 2 X 25.02 -
8 Store 3 - Phase -
9 Class Room 31.00 -
10 Canteen 8 X 25.02 -
11 Toilet 75.20 -
12 Total Covered Area 1086.13 square meters -

Trade Specific Infrastructure, Building and Workshop

S.No. Trade Unit Total Classroom area for trade Workshop area per unit Total workshop area for trade Remarks (photograph etc in link)
1 ELECTRICIAN 1 4 50.4 SQM 91.18 SQM 183.06 SQM
2 FITTER 4 50.4 SQM 91.18 SQM 183.06 SQM
3 SURVEYOR 2 25.2 SQM 64.0 SQM 106.83 SQM -

Electric Power Supply

S.No. Present Electric Load (In KW) Hyperlink to the document proof
1 Date of connection 14-02-2012 -
2 Connection in the name of JLD PRIVATE ITI PRINCIPAL -
3 Meter No ST/717137 -
4 Seal no XE 2301371 -
5 Remarks XE 2301374 -